You might not believe that you’ll spend 36 years in bed throughout your lifetime. From sleeping to relaxing and beyond, there are plenty of important activities we do in the bedroom. You’ll never regret investing in a cozier, more functional bedroom space. Do you want to create your dream bedroom? Here are five luxury modern bedroom […]
With the median home sale price on Long Island hitting a record $620,000, there is no better time than the present to build a custom home. You should invest in a luxury home that embodies everything you want and need in a home. Building a home can be a big project. Before you dive into […]
As many as 45% of Americans spend at least an hour in the bathroom each day. There’s no reason that such a personal space shouldn’t be as modern as possible. Customization is the name of the game when it comes to designing a bathroom in 2023. The modern bathroom must be a reflection of your […]
The average home in New York is worth nearly $450,000 as of 2023. Of course, a home’s condition, space, and layout also affect its value. Are you looking for ways to increase your home value? One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is through home renovations. You begin the project by considering the […]
Long Island real estate has recently experienced a surge in new supply. Despite increased supply and waning demand due to high mortgage interest rates, Long Island home prices defied records in July. Rising home prices have many homeowners wondering whether they should risk the market. After all, the alternative is building a custom home, which […]
The average American spends around 400 hours in the kitchen each year. Dream kitchens are where delicious meals are prepared, and family gatherings take place. This is why it’s worth investing in your kitchen’s beauty and functionality. What do all dream kitchens have in common? Read on for five stunning features your kitchen should have. 1. Kitchen […]
Real estate experts are blown away by the fact that the median price of Long Island homes is $620,000. This number continues to climb even in the face of a market slump. It’s clear that the Long Island real estate market is special. While this may intimidate you, there are real estate tricks that can make […]
In the United States, almost 30% of the population sits together for a family dinner daily. Studies even show that sitting together for a family meal has been proven to help our emotional well-being. Where you eat also makes a difference, so you should create a luxury dining room you will love. This dining room […]
Do you want to make your dream home a reality? The good news is there are many home improvement projects to choose from to achieve your dream. For instance, you can remodel your kitchen to make your culinary tasks more efficient or renovate your master bathroom. You’ve procrastinated enough, and now’s the time to install […]
With over 15% of people working from home as of the latest census, it is time to join that growing crowd. Still, you want any home office you put together to be more than a simple copy of an office cubicle. The place should reflect you, so how do you go about making that happen? […]